Tuesday, December 3, 2013

God's Faithfulness

Today's blog is brought to you by the word "HUMBLED".

George and I just finished a two year commitment to our church for a capital campaign to pay down the mortgage of the new church building. I am not telling you that to say, "Look what we did". It's just a fact, and an important one in the scheme of what's just happened. In fact, it's more like, "We did this tiny thing, and God EXPLODED blessings." Humbling. Seriously. About the time I think, I am doing the right thing, I realize the good things I do are like "filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6), and there's NO comparison. What I do is PUNY compared to what God does.

I should start by telling you that my husband and I firmly believe that what we have is from God. He provides. We follow His commands to tithe, give (at least) the first 10%. God has ALWAYS provided for our family.

With the church's campaign, the money was an additional "offering", something above the tithe. It was something we discussed, prayed about, and made sacrifices as a family. At the time of our commitment, we were renovating our home to make space for our growing family, and I knew at the time we had some appliances ready to bite the dust.

The short version. . . God sustained our appliances through the entirety of our commitment. With the end of the campaign, it has become very clear that we need a new fridge and oven. George and I have always tried to be financially responsible, knowing what we have is God's, but we do have debt to pay off. We are attempting to pay it off quickly, and don't want to go into more debt with new appliances.

Last night's discussion brought out these points:
-We have researched and believe we have found the wisest appliances to purchase for our needs.
-After this weekend, we are financially ready to either pay off a renovation debt or buy an oven; one or the other, but not both.
-If God has sustained our appliances this long, He can sustain them until we have the cash to buy new ones.
-We will pray about whether or not to buy the oven or pay the debt.

One more thing. . . We weren't worried about the outcome. Trusting God with finances gives IMMENSE peace.

As of this morning, we don't have to choose. "Thank you, GOD, for the random check we received in the mail today that will cover the cost of the oven." We will pay off the debt AND get the appliance.

God's promises are real. Trust them.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mouth Disease

The human mouth is digestive and communicative, where we feel pleasure and pain, a place of fulfillment and life-long regret. Everyone I know has said something they regret. Scientifically speaking, the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body (in ratio comparison of size and strength). Biblically speaking, it holds the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). James 3 refers to the strength of the tongue and how it burns, hurts, and affects the whole body. Untamed, the mouth can bring forth a plague of ruin, a disease running rampant all around us.

Can you think of the last encouraging words someone shared with you? I believe encouragement it so powerful because it is so lost, forgotten, and unheard. We allow our mouths and tongues to tear at others. Wake up!  Pay attention! We need to be aware of what we are saying. I want my words to be my legacy. A lot of times, we as Christians say we show our faith because of how we act, but what about what we say?

It is amazing how many of the guidelines we set out for our children stem from control of the tongue. Here are some of those things we teach.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Our own explanation of "The Golden Rule"
Put yourself in the other person's shoes. Would you be hurt by the words coming out of your mouth? How would you feel? Do you want someone talking to you that way? Christian or non-Christian, we all understand pain and the ideals of how we would like other people to treat us.

Self-preservation is a natural response. We don't want to get in trouble. We don't want to hurt, so we protect ourselves. We protect whether it is the right thing or not. How are others affected by our protection of self? Who did we have to "throw under the bus", lie about, pass the blame to?

When you put yourself in an unhealthy situation with an individual and without accountability, truth can only be found in words. We think doing what we want in secret won't hurt, but it does when both sides are telling different stories. Maintain the boundaries so you don't have to depend on the integrity of words that can be manipulated and twisted through emotion and self-preservation.

Lies hurt.
We think a little lie here or there isn't going to hurt anyone, but we get used to it. We get in the habit of lying, not because it even makes that big of a difference in the situation, but because we are comfortable with it. Every time we tell an untruth we are potentially hurting someone else, but we are always stealing a piece of our own integrity and hurting ourselves.

Gossip is always wrong.
Whether we think we are helping someone by sharing their personal life so we can pray for them, or because of self-preservation, gossip is always wrong. Listening to it, perceiving others through it, treating people differently because of it are all just as wrong as speaking it. Maybe worse. Not only do we partake in gossip, but we give it power and control over our lives.

There is so much more to be said. The Bible is FULL of teachings about abstaining from gossip and lies and controlling what comes out of our mouths. So much of that control starts with what is in our hearts (Luke 6:45).

Maybe this is an entry of venting my frustrations, but I would like to think I am writing because I want to encourage change. Over the last couple months, I have been trying to take in struggles with gratitude. Each time I feel hurt, I want to remember that feeling, not to harbor unforgiveness. I want the wound to heal, but the scar to remain so I remember not to inflict that same pain on someone else. I want pain to drive compassion and selflessness.

I personally have apologies to make, untruths to set straight. I need to take care of them today. What about you? Are you treating people the way you want to be treated? Has your own self-preservation caused someone else pain?

When we are faced with the freedom to speak, it is an opportunity; an opportunity to offer encouragement, integrity, truth, and healing. From the same mouth come the disease and the healing.

I never have liked being sick.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Follow the Prompts

You will be prompted. Follow the prompts.

Have you ever made a phone call, only to have to press a whole lot of numbers and listen to a whole lot of recorded message to get to where you want to go? It can be so frustrating, and usually takes much longer than anticipated, but in order to get to where you need to be, follow the prompts. It may mean pressing the same number or repeating the same phrase over and over, but follow the prompts. Sometimes you even press the wrong number or get off course. Backtrack and follow the prompts.

If you know me, you know I have four beautiful children. I am a little young to have a 16 year old, but he is mine all the same. He and his sister have a mother, but I have the privilege of being the other mother, the Step Mother. (Thank you, Disney, for making that sound like such a horrible title.) I don't even call them my "step children" because it has such a negative connotation. They are mine by marriage. I don't pretend to be their Mother, but I do not treat them differently than my two biological children. They are mine and I love them as mine.

I have had to follow a lot of prompts as a step parent. . . as a parent in general. It's a humbling process. Last weekend, I was prompted to write some letters to my oldest son. He was leaving for a trip with the youth group and I decided to write him a letter to open each day he was gone. Each letter included Scripture and prayers I was praying for him each day he was away. He was going through some big decisions and I wanted to support and encourage him even when I couldn't be with him.

It required a lot of putting thoughts on paper (which I am trying to get better at), and one very late night. I wasn't sure what the letters were for, beyond encouragement. The return has been indescribable. The short version is that, through the letters, he has realized I really love him as my own. He had heard it, but was never able to fully grasp it. He now knows and understands that I love him and he has a "safe place" with me. I am so grateful for the prompt and grateful beyond words for how God moved.

This morning at church I felt a prompt. I saw someone I had not seen in a while. I had a prompting to let her know it was good to see her again. After rehearsing with the band, almost bowled her over with my hug. I was surprised at my own excitement over seeing her at church. Before she left, I made sure to tell her it was good seeing her. It really was.

She contacted me late this afternoon. The message at church today was about engaging in community with transparency, being open and accountable and taking up our cross with the support of others. I got to talk with two friends about holding each other accountable. I feel so blessed to have them in my life. This particular woman contacted me later in the afternoon and asked me today to be part of her life; as a friend and accountability partner. I was moved to tears. I am so excited to get to know her more and spend time with her. What a gift in my life. I am thankful for the prompt. The truth is, the other two friendships (now accountability partners) stemmed from following prompts, too.

God sends His Spirit to prompt or move us to action (2 Peter 1:21, Galatians 4:6, 2 Chronicles 12, 15, 20 and Acts 2:1-4 from The Message). Paul talks about being prompted by faith (2 Thessalonians 1:11). The devil prompts, too, just like he prompted Judas (John 13:2), so we should be on our guard. I believe, though, when we live by the Spirit, we are prompted by the Spirit. We can never know just how far the follow-through on a single prompt can take us.

It has been a humbling weekend. I played some good music at church the morning. It always feels good to know I am using my talents in the right way at the right place. It didn't matter.Today is about the value of friendship and accountability, not ability. My oldest son and I connect well on a musical level, too, but our deepest connection has come from the Bible and prayer, not ability.

Be alert. God prompts. Sometimes the prompts require great sacrifice. Other times, it seems there is little to give. Follow the prompts.

Monday, June 24, 2013

I Saw God.

I saw God tonight. I saw Him in the face of a child, a teenager. I have been praying for this young woman, probably not as much as I should have prayed. Certainly not as much as I could have prayed. But when I prayed, I prayed hard.

I have seen her before; hardened, angry, rebellious, and a lost cause by most standards. I heard people call her a lost cause. I saw people stop trying to teach her, change her, because it seemed she would never change.

But I saw God tonight. . . in her.

She has been gone for a while. She has actually been at a facility to help her escape the wreck of a life she had created. While she has been away, there have been times of hope and times of desperation; nights of literal crying out to God in Jesus' Name for a miraculous beat-down of the demons invading this young woman's life.

Why am I so surprised God has the victory in this? The battle is not over, but I saw a picture of her tonight. She shines peace, hope, and GOD. My entire body chilled as I saw the face of a person who's ashes were being replaced by beauty. I knew God could do this -- ONLY God could do this, but at the same time, I am in awe of what He did. Is that because I didn't really believe He could do it?

I often find myself in awe of God's miracles even though I pray for them. I don't think it is just because of the miracles. It is because of the AWE-some way God works. It is so far beyond what I thought. In this case, there was so much that needed to change, so many demons to conquer, so much to be learned. God did all of it so quickly and thoroughly. My human brain just can't comprehend the hugeness of it all. It is AWE-some.

It leads me to think about so many other things.
1. I need to think bigger -- GOD-sized bigger.

2. I should work harder. If I am supposed to be working as if for God and not for people (Colossians 3:23), I need to remember that God works with AWE-some standards. It is a privilege to know that God wants to work in AWE-some ways through me. I need to open myself up to the potential.

3. I want people to see God in me. Lately, I think people have mostly seen exhaustion when they have seen my face. Moses used to put a veil over his face after he met with God because his face radiated God. It was a sight that could not be dismissed. I have wondered, too, if Moses wore the veil so people wouldn't notice the radiance fading when he had been away from God for a while. I want to radiate God in a way that cannot be dismissed.

I want to be like this young woman. I looked at her face and I saw God.

You don't know this girl or her family, but would you please pray for them? Pray for God to continue to change her and grow her family in their relationships with God and with one another. Pray God receives all the glory for this, rather than a program, counselor, intercessor, or even an incredible parent who has gone to great lengths to pursue healing in her daughter's life.