Tuesday, December 3, 2013

God's Faithfulness

Today's blog is brought to you by the word "HUMBLED".

George and I just finished a two year commitment to our church for a capital campaign to pay down the mortgage of the new church building. I am not telling you that to say, "Look what we did". It's just a fact, and an important one in the scheme of what's just happened. In fact, it's more like, "We did this tiny thing, and God EXPLODED blessings." Humbling. Seriously. About the time I think, I am doing the right thing, I realize the good things I do are like "filthy rags" (Isaiah 64:6), and there's NO comparison. What I do is PUNY compared to what God does.

I should start by telling you that my husband and I firmly believe that what we have is from God. He provides. We follow His commands to tithe, give (at least) the first 10%. God has ALWAYS provided for our family.

With the church's campaign, the money was an additional "offering", something above the tithe. It was something we discussed, prayed about, and made sacrifices as a family. At the time of our commitment, we were renovating our home to make space for our growing family, and I knew at the time we had some appliances ready to bite the dust.

The short version. . . God sustained our appliances through the entirety of our commitment. With the end of the campaign, it has become very clear that we need a new fridge and oven. George and I have always tried to be financially responsible, knowing what we have is God's, but we do have debt to pay off. We are attempting to pay it off quickly, and don't want to go into more debt with new appliances.

Last night's discussion brought out these points:
-We have researched and believe we have found the wisest appliances to purchase for our needs.
-After this weekend, we are financially ready to either pay off a renovation debt or buy an oven; one or the other, but not both.
-If God has sustained our appliances this long, He can sustain them until we have the cash to buy new ones.
-We will pray about whether or not to buy the oven or pay the debt.

One more thing. . . We weren't worried about the outcome. Trusting God with finances gives IMMENSE peace.

As of this morning, we don't have to choose. "Thank you, GOD, for the random check we received in the mail today that will cover the cost of the oven." We will pay off the debt AND get the appliance.

God's promises are real. Trust them.